Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Word Vomit

Where have I gone? i don't really know. Why did I stop writing? I guess to get away from myself. Or perhaps from the self I thought I was and no longer wish to be. I stopped writing because it kind of bothered me. I lost my muse. I lost all feelings to write. I didn't stop writing for my sake but for the sake of writing: for the sake of undeserved words, meaningless words, pretentious words, all words. I wanted to get away because I was doing nothing more than holding up a facade. What I wrote, I assumed to feel, but never truly felt with the blisters and bruising of emotion. All that I wrote were speculations and assumptions of what I thought I felt or should have felt. I still feel the presence of these speculations, these hints of emotions, but their strength have faded. Now, life has fallen dull and I no longer feel the desire to write. I have no desire to write until I find my identity once again. I need to find that person with a heart that loves, aches, and hungers for life. That person has fled and all that is left is a shadow. A shadow that thinks of feelings, but no longer feels them. I can longer write until such a person returns. I have hope that such a person will return when the times comes, whenever that may be. Until then, perhaps these words deserve to be kept in reservation.


  1. I don't think that person has fled and your blog posts are no facade. Get out there and circulate and don't worry so much what people think of you, and yes other people do have their warts. Look for ways to always improve yourself both mentally and physically. I find exercise great for times when I have the blues (I go mountain biking). Btw some boring days are better than having stressed-out days. - Wayne (hugs)

  2. Um, this post looks like writing to me.

    Just keep going, Kenny!


